
Blog - Pacer Group

Common Names of Various Wires and Cables

Posted by Pacer on 13th Apr 2023

Wire and cable come in a variety of styles and types to meet the needs of various industries. Each of those individual  types of wire and cable can be referred to by multiple names. This ha … read more

Boating Trends to Keep your Eye on

Posted by Pacer on 8th Dec 2022

Recreational boating has always been a popular activity and that is unlikely to change any time soon. In the U.S. alone, more than one hundred million Americans go boating each year. That’s n … read more

Summer may be Over, but Boating Season is far from Ending

Posted by Pacer on 14th Nov 2022

There are great reasons to get back out on the water, at least one more time before boating season is over. Boating season varies in length and time depending on where you live in the world. … read more

Changes for Pacer, Benefits for You

Posted by Pacer on 11th Oct 2022

Pacer worked hard to support our customers and partners while the world was turning upside down during the last few years. The ripple effect caused by delayed shipments, parts shortages, and la … read more

Boat Shows to Catch

Posted by Pacer on 13th Sep 2022

Boat shows are one of the best events for boating enthusiasts or marine professionals to attend. Like a kid in a candy store, there is so much to see and experience. Innovations and enhance … read more