
Crimper Accessories


What are crimper accessories?

Crimper accessories refer to any number of die sets that can be used in conjunction with the Ideal Crimp-master frame. Their rapid change out time and superior durability make them an obvious choice for field service and industrial applications. Think about it, there are a multitude of options when it comes to terminals and no one tool can handle them all. With crimper accessories you can literally tackle just about any terminals out there. This is achieved by switching out the die sets, or teeth, of the tool so that it can handle the terminals of a given situation. Made to handle many types of crimp connectors, these tools are perfect for industrial applications. Need to handle another set of terminals of a different size? No worries. The change out time is commonly less than one minute. Now that you understand what they are, let us look at what crimper accessories are available and what makes each type different. Depending on the electrical connector types you are working with determines the die set you need.

"you can literally tackle just about any terminals out there. This is achieved by switching out the die sets, or teeth, of the tool so that it can handle the terminals of a given situation."